MANAGING STAFF SUPPORT ACTIVITIES During activation of the EOP, various modifications and accommodations are made for hospital staff to assist them in coming to the hospital to provide needed services. The following accommodations are authorized: 1.Where travel is difficult or impossible because of weather conditions, the hospital works with groups with appropriate vehicles to assist staff in getting to and from the hospital. 2.Where necessary because of conditions, the hospital accommodates staff that need to sleep, eat, and/or other services in order to be at the hospital to provide needed services. 3.The Logistics Chief with the Service Branch Staff-Food-and-Water Leader handles the needs of staff during the emergency. The Logistics Chief is authorized to modify the normal use of hospital space, fitness center or gymnasiums, and/or to work with local hotels and motels to provide accommodations for staff. Meal service for staff is authorized where approved by the Logistics Chief. 4.The hospital is prepared for incident stress debriefings. These areas will be staffed by hospital staff, staff from Northwest Interagency Critical Incident Stress Response Team (520) 730-1771, community mental health services, clergy, and others trained in incident stress debriefing. As part of planning for mass casualty and similar incidents, staffing and alternatives will be identified and contacted to determine facilities and processes to be used. 5.Communication to staff family members will also be arranged through the Staff-Food-and-Water Leader. |
Oro Valley Hospital, 1551 East Tangerine Road, Oro Valley, AZ, 85755, 520-901-3500 |
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