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1.All staff on duty will report to their departments and STAND-BY (i.e., being ready, willing, and able to perform assigned duties) for further instruction.

2.Staff away from their department or duty station who cannot report physically to the department will communicate with the department and identify their current location and status of activity.

3.Patient care activities being conducted away from the department such as radiology, surgery, etc. will continue until a point of completion is reached.

4.The patient and staff will return to the appropriate area as soon as possible or receive instructions to secure the patient in an ancillary location, if necessary.  

5.The staff will notify their Department Heads of the location of the patient and staff member.

6.Staff will continue their designated, patient-care activities in preparation for response to the directions provided by the Command Center. 

7.All staff requesting to go off duty must obtain the approval of their Department Heads.  The Department Heads may not give this approval without prior clearance from the Incident Commander.  Staff must not leave their workstations until relief has arrived or until dismissed by the Department Heads.