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The Oro Valley Hospital will assure that critical staff functions will be performed for the rapid, effective implementation of any emergency response.  In addition, it is the policy of the Oro Valley Hospital to assure adequate staff is available to perform these critical functions at any time of the day or night.  The staff identified in the critical areas will receive the appropriate training in HICS and NIMS prior to an event.  This training will also include the licensed practitioners.
When the Incident Command System (ICS) is established, the Oro Valley Hospital ICS Organization Chart and Job Action Sheets are used to assure critical task positions are filled first, and as other staff members become available, they are assigned to the most critical jobs remaining.  Following the HICS plan, incoming staff will report to the Planning Section and report and sign in with the Personnel Tracking Manager within the Resources Unit.  This will, in most instances, be located in the Lantanas Dining Room.

The Incident Command Staff is responsible for assuring that the critical tasks they manage are filled by the most appropriate available staff member and to assure that the tasks are performed as quickly and effectively as possible. During a declared emergency, the hospital will open child-are facilities in the dayroom on rehabilitation/3rd floor.   If necessary, a secondary sick-child-care facility can be opened in the 3rd floor physical therapy department.  The child-are areas will be staffed by volunteers and a healthcare provider.  If eldercare is necessary, an area will be set aside in the outpatient physical therapy area and staffed with volunteers and a healthcare provider to provide care as necessary.   Pet care will be provided by the kennels and pet care providers as listed in the EOP.  These services will be communicated to the staff when called to duty during the emergency, as needed.

If staff is not available for handling critical tasks defined by the Job Actions Sheets, staff will be drawn from the appropriate departments, or, if none are available, from the labor pool.

As staff is called, they will replace personnel at tasks they are better qualified to perform.  If questions arise, the ICS Section Leaders will determine who will perform the task.  The tasks are evaluated frequently to assure the most appropriate staff members available are being used, burnout or incident stress problems are identified, and staff members in these jobs are rotated as soon as possible.  The hospital will establish a childcare unit and elder care unit as needed.   Both areas will be staff by volunteers and labor pool staff members.   As needed, ESAR-VHP and MRC (Medical Reserve Corp) individuals can be utilized from Pima County OEM (Office of Emergency Management).

The hospital communicates to licensed independent practitioners (LIP) their roles in emergency response and to whom they report in an emergency. LIPs are managed through the HCC and specifically under control of the Personnel Tracking Manager.