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The process of sharing resources with other healthcare organizations outside of the community during a regional event would go through the Regional Hospital Command Center (RHCC) and/or the county EOC.  The number for the RHCC located in the Pima County Emergency Operations Center is 798-0600.  Those resources will be tracked by county, or the State of Arizona, if necessary.  The Pima County EOC will be responsible for delivery of the needed resources. 

Involvement of the Community
A multi-agency coordination system (MAC) has been put into place and involves the regional hospitals, healthcare clinics, Pima County Public Health Department, fire departments, Pima County Office of Emergency Management.  A MAC is a combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications integrated into a common system with responsibility for coordinating and supporting incident management activities.  The primary function of the MAC is to: 

Support incident management policies and priorities
Facilitate logistics support and resource tracking
Provide information regarding resource allocation decisions to incident management personnel in concert with incident management priorities
Coordinate incident-related information
Coordinate interagency and intergovernmental issues regarding incident management policies, priorities, and strategies. 

Prior to an incident, the potential emergency needs and areas of priority will be defined: 

Personnel staffing, roles and authority
Decontamination of patients, personnel and/or equipment 
Equipment and supplies
Ancillary services

The Emergency Management Program Coordinator will attend the meetings with other members of the Metropolitan Medical Response System and National Disaster Medical System which comprise the membership of the Community MAC, and maintain those relationships established with the other healthcare organizations.  The MAC will be updated as needed post-event or exercise.  (NIMS Element 3)