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To facilitate the orderly initiation of the response to an emergency, the following steps of the Emergency Operations Plan will be initiated.

1.Information received by the Oro Valley Hospital concerning an external emergency facing the community or an internal emergency involving the function of the Hospital will be passed directly to the House/Nurse/Administrative Supervisor via Administrative Nursing Supervisor cell phone and administrator on call.    

2.When notified of a potential disaster, the Administrative Nursing Supervisor, Emergency Department (ED) Physician, and ED Charge Nurse will:

Evaluate the issues such as location of incident (internal, external), the distance from the Oro Valley Hospital, the scope of the incident (single individual, mass casualty, or malicious attack), and weather conditions (seasonal and current).
Discuss the operations pertaining to the conversion of the hospital to disaster status.
Plan care of casualty and non-casualty patients arriving in the Emergency Department during a disaster.
Evaluate the information concerning this emergency and determine if initiation of the Emergency Operation Plan (EOP) is warranted.  Two of the three are required to initiate the EOP.

3.Once it has been determined to activate the EOP, the individual who takes the role of Incident Commander will notify the hospital, staff, and executives as soon as possible.