INTERNAL and STAFF NOTIFICATION LEVELS During an emergency: 1.The Incident Commander will notify the Oro Valley Hospital switchboard operator to alert the staff of the emergency by announcing a code via overhead page. The staff is also notified through alternate announcements including intra-net messages and personal communication devices (e. g., pagers, walkie-talkies, and cellular telephones) as well as Call Lists and overhead paging conducted by the switchboard operator. 2.Alternate communication to staff may include notification through the Public Information Officer by radio or television, dependent on the procedures. 3.Communications systems may include the following: a.Internal telephone system: Internal communications will be limited to disaster-related issues once emergency has been initiated. THE PBX OPERATOR SHOULD NOT BE CALLED FOR INFORMATION. b.Radios: Communications Unit Leader will determine location and availability of radios and report to the Logistics Chief so distribution of radios can be determined. c.Alpha-numeric pagers, email, public address system, inter-departmental radios, inter-hospital radio network, fax, cellular telephones, runners, and RACES (i.e., Ham radio operators). Department Call List Information HICS Form 258 shall be completed prior to the emergency to ensure all contacts and phone numbers are available when needed. The list of contacts below includes primary contacts. List of External Contacts |
Oro Valley Hospital, 1551 East Tangerine Road, Oro Valley, AZ, 85755, 520-901-3500 |
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