EVACUATION ACTIVITIES (See ERP: Evacuation and Alternate Care Site) 1.An evacuation of the hospital for a situation which renders the facility no longer capable of providing the necessary patient care will be directed by the Incident Commander. The evacuation will be handled in cooperation with Oro Valley Police and/or Golder Ranch Fire and local EOC (798-0600). 2.The Police or Fire and/or the EOC will be notified as soon as the potential for evacuation is considered and will be kept updated on an ongoing basis in order to begin the process for identification of the availability of vehicles to relocate the patients. 3.Transporting patients, their medications, equipment, staff, and pertinent information to alternate care sites when the environment cannot support care, treatment, and services is managed through the Transportation Unit Leader. |
Oro Valley Hospital, 1551 East Tangerine Road, Oro Valley, AZ, 85755, 520-901-3500 |
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