DEFINITIONS 1.Internal Emergency An Internal Emergency involves an incident within the hospital that disrupts normal hospital operations. Incidents include bomb threats, utility failures, hostage situations, and infant/pediatric abductions. 2.External Emergency An External Emergency involves an incident beyond the immediate boundaries of the hospital. Such an incident can result in a sudden arrival of a large number of casualties, including contaminated or contagious victims, which involve the Emergency Department. Other External Emergencies include severe thunderstorms, utility outages, and other emergencies that may not impact the hospital directly, but could require a status alert for the facility. 3.Mass Casualty Emergency A Mass Casualty Emergency involves a large influx of victims from an internal or external event requiring treatment, such as the result of a fire, explosion, train wreck, or bioterrorism event. The victims may arrive at the Emergency Department via ambulance or other emergency service vehicle. Any series of events which creates an overload situation in the Emergency Department may necessitate the use of the emergency procedures described in the Mass Casualty Plan. The mass casualty emergency may be combined with other response plans used to protect the facility. |
Oro Valley Hospital, 1551 East Tangerine Road, Oro Valley, AZ, 85755, 520-901-3500 |
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