COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Oro Valley Hospital has established a long working relationship with the community. In conjunction with the community, priorities have been set among the potential emergencies identified in the hazard vulnerability analysis. The communication has been established on what the needs and vulnerabilities are for Oro Valley Hospital. It has identified the capabilities that the community can contribute to aid in meeting the needs of the facility. Oro Valley Hospital is a major healthcare facility in the Tucson Metropolitan community. During a disaster, the hospital's role within the community is to care for concerned, sick and/or wounded individuals who may present for treatment. The facility and community are involved through: Local emergency management meetings (MMRS, NDMS, MMRS Healthcare Subcommittees) Regional hospital council meetings (Southern Arizona Healthcare Committee) State meetings (Southeastern Arizona DHS Council, Arizona Coalition for Preparedness) |
Oro Valley Hospital, 1551 East Tangerine Road, Oro Valley, AZ, 85755, 520-901-3500 |
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