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A Family Support Center/Family Information Center is established to coordinate the needs and information to family members of patients, to coordinate the information of the location of patients, and to provide critical incident stress debriefings. 

The Family Support Center/Family Information Center shall be located in the Surgical Waiting Room.  This room will serve as the location for relatives and friends of patients that have arrived at the hospital for treatment. 

1.Under the Logistics Section with the Support Branch, the Family Unit Leader establishes procedures for the patient's families. 

2.The availability of medical, logistic, mental health, and day care for the families of staff members should be ensured.  Mass prophylaxis / vaccination / immunization of family members should be coordinated, if required.

3.There is direct communication with the Patient Tracking Manager.

4.The immediate emergency contact family member that is not present with the patient will be contacted with the location of the patient once they are moved.